Sam Sacks writes in the Wall Street Journal that Impostures is an “astounding new adaptation of the Maqāmāt of al-Harīrī. . . . Impostures shows off English in the same flattering light, demonstrating its dynamism, its endurance, its mutability and its glorious, weedy wildness.” Read the full WSJ review of Impostures here.
Meanwhile at Mada Masr, Matthew Chovanec writes about surveillance, wordplay, and Impostures, which he deems “an important translation of a criminally neglected work of world literature, and an impressive literary work in its own right.” Read the full review here.
Impostures also received mention on the blogs Language Hat (“IMPOSTURES.“) and Language Log (“Impressive Arabic translational improvisations and impostures“). Finally, translator Michael Cooperson was recently interviewed on BYU Radio’s “Top of Mind with Julie Rose.” Listen to find out how and why he “Englished” this popular work of Arabic literature into cowboy language, business jargon, teenage slang, and more. For more interviews with Michael Cooperson and press coverage of Impostures, see these previous posts on our blog.