Just in time for the forthcoming fall release of its English-only paperback, the Times Literary Supplement ran a wonderful review of Bruce Fudge’s A Hundred and One Nights a couple of weeks ago:
“Stories, like salt and silk, travel trade routes. They mutate as they migrate, as they are passed from mouth to ear, from memory to paper, from one tongue to another. Bruce Fudge’s erudite translation of A Hundred and One Nights, a slimmer relation of The Arabian Nights, compiled in the Maghreb around the ninth or tenth century and hitherto unknown in English, is a major contribution to the field and promises to intrigue and beguile the general reader as well as to become indispensable to literary scholars. Fudge’s introduction, meticulously footnoted and indexed translation and the parallel text give fresh insight into the origins and routes of transmission of narrative.”
You can read the full article here, and while you’re at it, make sure to pre-order your copy of A Hundred and One Nights in paperback today!
-Amanda Yee, Assistant Editor